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October, 15
14.00 (Hall A) Conference Opening
15.15 (Hall A: RCDL Tutorials)
17.15 (Hall C) Bus to the hotel
17.30 (Hall A: RCDL Tutorials)
October, 16
9.30 (Hall A: Scientific Digital Libraries) Scientometrics and Evaluation of Innovation Potential
Chair: B. Dobroff
11.00 (Hall C) Posters with Coffee
11.25 (Hall A: Scientific Digital Libraries) Access Techniques to Digital Collections
Chair: O. Zhizhimov
13.45 (Hall A: Scientific Digital Libraries) Historical Digital Libraries
Chair: D. Paley
13.45 (Top floor: Information Retrieval) Clustering and Near-Duplicate Detection
Chair: P. Braslavsky
15.05 (Hall C) Posters with Coffee
October, 17
10.40 (Hall A: Ontologies, Data Representation) Technologies for Social-Economic Monitoring
Chair: D. Paley
10.40 (Top floor: Information Retrieval) Document Stream Analysis
Chair: A. Antonov
17.30 (Hall B) RCDL Steering Committee Meeting - invitation only
October, 18
14.55 (Hall C) Closing of the Conference RCDL2007